I take a wonderful woman, Linda, to the therapy once a week for a couple hours. I helps her into the pool and do exercises with her. I help her in the shower, dry and get dressed. This keeps Linda exercising and helps her get out of the IOOF home.
The Mason City YMCA offers a wide variety of classes just for active seniors. Check it out and contact Vern for transportation or someone to go with you to the class.
Active Older Adults Improve flexibility, muscle strength, and have fun in this challenging co-ed workout for active older adults.
Or in the water: Rusty Hinges T/F 8:00am-9:00am Instructor: Bonnie Fritz T/TH 12:00-1:00pm Instructor: Jacque Petersen T/Th 4:45-5:45pm Instructor: Kathy Nuddleman M/W 8:00-9:00am Instructor: Rose Schlueter M/W 5:00-6:00pm Instructor: Betty Krones Excellent aquatic exercise for man and women with arthritis. The warm water of our therapy pool helps to relax muscles and ease joints while our National Arthritis and YMCA of the USA Certified Instructor keeps you fit.
